0   PrintShipName

1   Test Param 1

2   Test Param 2

3   Test Function

4   CreateTimer

5   Unique ID to identify timer

6   Function to execute when timer activates

7   Number of seconds before timer activates

8   Number of activations (0 == continuous)

9   Creates a timer to invoke a function

A   DestroyTimer

B   Unique ID of timer to be destroyed

C   Destroys all timers associated with a function

21 03 - D   CreateFlightGroup 21 03

E   Flight Group name to initialize

F   Initializes a flight group

21 04 - 10  DestroyFlightGroup 

11  Flight Group name to destroy

12  Destroys a flight group

13  Number of Seconds to wait*05

14  Stop Executing for N Seconds

15  PlaySpeech 2a* 06

16  Name of speech file

17  Play a speech file

18  WaitForSpeech

19  Pause script until speech is complete

1A  PlayCommsMovie*07

1B  Name of movie file

1C  GText thingy hangover err....*08

1D  Play a movie in the comms window*09

1E  WaitForMovie*0B

1F  Pause script until comms movie is complete

20  PrintDebugMessage*0A

21  Text to print

22  Prints a debugging message on screen

23  SetAI*0B

24  Entity to be controlled

25  AI Mode

26  Initialize Immediately (T/F)

27  Entity to target (can be NULL)

28  Sets a Ship or Flight Group's AI pattern

29  ClearAI*0C

2A  Entity to be cleared

2B  Resets all AI intructions for an entity

2C  SetPatrolRoute*0D

2D  Entity to send to patrol route

2E  Patrol route to follow

2F  Sends a Ship to follow a patrol route

30  SetPilot*0E

31  Ship to host pilot

32  Pilot to fly ship

33  Assigns a pilot to fly a ship

34  SetTriggerState*0F

35  Entity owning trigger

36  Trigger type to enable/disable

37  TRUE for enable; FALSE for disable

38  Enables or disables the state of a trigger

39  StartDirectorCam*10 2C 24 2D 00 21 10 (mission 1)

3A  Curve for camera to follow (or Ship for static cam)

3B  Ship for camera to track (can be NULL)

3C  Duration of camera (seconds)

3D  Tracks curve to this ship's speed (can be NULL)

3E  Ships to disable for duration

3F  Sets the camera to start following a predefined path

40  StartShipAnimation*11

41  Ship to animate

42  Animation Name

43  Starts a specific animation for a ship

44  ShipFollowCurve*12

45  Entity to follow curve

46  The curve for the entity to follow

47  Duration of movement (seconds)

48  Sets an ship/flight group to follow a predefined path

49  SetupLaunch*13 example: 2C 16 2C 00 28 01 21 13(mission 1)

4A  Entity to be launched

4B  Ship to launch from

4C  Launch position

4D  Sets up a ship ready to launch

*4E  StartLaunch*14

4F  Launches a ship

50  DisplaySubTitle*15

51  GText pilot define 16

52  Prints a subtitle so we can understand those foreign bods

53  ResetCodePriority*17

54  Entity to have priorities reset

55  Clears/removes any priortiy order of the entity

56  InterruptTriggerCode*18

57  Stops script execution, will resume when trigger re-enabled

58  CommsFromShip*19

59  Ship sending comm

5A  Head movement

5B  CommsFromPilot

5C  SetInvulnerability*1a

5D  Ship concerned

5E  Invulnerability (0 - non, 1 - player can hit, 2 - fully invulnerable, 3 - Eject before exploding)

5F  Makes or stops a ship being invulnerable

60  MovingShipFollowCurve*1b

61  Entity for curve to use as its start offset

62  DisableObject*1C 2C 01 28 01 21 1C

63  Entity concerned*1C

64  True/False

65  Stops entities from being processed

66  PositionRelative*1D

67  Entity to position

68  Ship/Point to use as relative marker

69  Positions an entity relative to a ship/point's movement

6A  WhenPlayerLastJumped*1E

6B  Returns the number of seconds ago when the player jumped

6C  StartMissileCam*1F

6D  Ship that fired missile

6E  Starts director cam for a missile

6F  StartChaseCam*20

70  Ship to follow

71  Starts chase cam

72  SetPlayerTarget*21

73  Player Ship

74  Ship to target

75  Sets player's target

76  SetTargetable

77  Entity*22

78  true - object targetable, false - not targetable

79  Sets an entity to be targetable or not

7A  PlayMusic*23

7B  Name of music file

7C  True - Play Immediately, false - Fade old tune first

7D  Play a Music Track

7E  StopDirectorCam*24

7F  Stops the Current Director Camera

80  SetActionCentre*25

81  Object to action around

82  Radius of sphere - 0 for default*26

83  Sets the sphere for the action to be contained in.

84  Ship to dock*27

85  Object ship is to dock to

86  Docking port

87  Dock Ship.

88  DisableTaunts*28

89  true - Disable bad guy taunts

8A  Stops bad guys from taunting the player

8B  Ship*29

8C  Point to fly to

8D  Speed (0 - Default)

8E  CommsFromShipOnce*2a

8F  Play a movie in the comms window (without looping)

90  CommsFromPilotOnce

21 2b - 91  DisableLights

92  True or False

93  Disable Object lights

94  SetEnvironmentFX*2c

95  Effect type to set

96  On(TRUE) or Off(FALSE)

97  Sets an environment effect

98  MultiPlayerSync*2d

99  Jay's shit

21 2e - 9A  DisableGenericComms*2e

9B  True - Disable all hard coded comms events

9C  Stops hard coded comms events from triggering

21 2f - 9D  DisableGuns

9E  TRUE - disable guns, FALSE enable guns

9F  Disables guns

A0  SetNavPoint*30

A1  Nav Point

A2  Set Nav Point

A3  SetEscortPoint*31

A4  Escort Point

A5  Set Escort Point

21 32 - A6  ResetAfterBurners

A7  Reset the player's afterburner fuel

21 33 - A8  DisableMissiles

A9  TRUE - disable missiles, FALSE enable missiles

AA  Disables missiles

21 34 - AB  DisableEngines

AC  TRUE - disable engines, FALSE enable engines

21 34 AD  Disables engines

21 35 AE  DisableEject

AF  TRUE - disable eject, FALSE enable eject

B0  Disables eject

21 36 B1  SetHostile

B2  true - entity(s) hostile, false - friendly

B3  Sets entity(s) to be hostile or not

21 37 B4  ResetToSpawnPositions

B5  Resets the player to a random spawn location (deathmatch only)

B6  UpdateEnvironmentFXState*38

B7  Updates state of environment FX instead of waiting for next jump

B8  SetPrimaryTarget*39

B9  Set Primary Target

21 3A - BA  WaitForJumpOrLaunch

BB  Wait for ships to finish jumping or launching

21 3B - BC  DoNotDisturb

BD  true - dont disturb, false - can disturb

BE  Sets entity(s) so comms can/cant disturb them

21 3C - BF  SetEnvironmentFXNebula

C0  Index of nebula material (0..6)

C1  Sets the nebula material and lighting

21 3D - C2  StartShipAnimationReverse

C3  Starts a specific animation for a ship in reverse

C4  SnapToPoint

C5  Ship to move

C6  Point to move to

    C7  Snaps a ship to a specific point

21 3F - C8  PlayFostersLastStand

  C9  Plays the Foster's Last Stand movie!

21 40 - CA  OpenInstrument

CB  Instrument number to open

CC  Opens up a window on the HUD

21 41 - CD  CloseInstrument

CE  Instrument number to close

CF  Closes a window on the HUD

D0  DestroySubObject*42

D1  SubObject to destroy

D2  true - keep damaged model, false - no damaged model

D3  Destroys Subobject

D4  SetObjective*43

D5  Objective number

D6  State(0=Inactive, 1=Active, 2=Current)

D7  Sets a Mission Objective's status

21 44 - D8  SetRescueProbabilities ex. %100 antonov capture (28 00 28 00 28 00 21 44 - SET FIRST ZERO, SECOND ZERO, THIRD ZERO)

D9  Probability of Nanny Rescue    ( 1-100% )

DA  Probability of Antanov Capture ( 1-100% )

DB  Probability of being Destroyed ( 1-100% )

DC  Sets an Ejected pod's chances of survival

DD  IsShipThisPlayer*45

DE  Ship to test

DF  Returns TRUE if ship is the players ship

E0  SetFlybackMarker*46

E1  Range

E2  Sets a Flyback marker on a ship or a group of ships after a set range

E3  ResetFlybackMarker*47

E4  Resets all flyback markers

E5  StopShipAnimation*48

E6  Ship to stop animation for

E7  Stops a specific animation for a ship

E8  SetShipAvoidance*49

E9  TRUE - Disable Avoidance code, FALSE - Enable avoidance code

EA  Enables/Disables ship avoidance for the ship(s)

21 4A - EB  MatchSpeed

EC  TRUE - Enable Match Speed, FALSE - Disable Match Speed

ED  Enables/Disables Match Speed with target

21 4B - EE  MovingShipBackupCurve

21 4c - EF  WaitForKey

F0  Key number to wait for

F1  Stops script until key pressed

21 4d - F2  TerminateMission

F3  End the mission, and drop to death sequence

F4  TurretSetTarget*4e

F5  Turret

F6  Entity to target

F7  Sets the target for a ships turret

F8  SetAnyTriggerState*4f

F9  Trigger Type Number(for triggers of same type - Count from 0)

FA  WaitForDirectorCam*50

FB  Waits for director cam to finish

FC  KillAllScriptExecutionExecptMe*51

FD  DANGER DANGER:Cancels ALL current script execution except the caller

FE  StackDirectorCam*52

FF  Scanner*53

100 Object to scan for - NULL to disable

101 Sets the scanner off

102 ReplaceSubObject*54

103 SubObject to replace

104 Object to replace it with

105 Replaces subobject with another object

106 Fire*55

107 Ship to fire

108 Duration

109 Fires ships guns

10A MultiplayerScriptSync*56

10B Sync number

10C Syncs scripts

10D FriendlyFire*57

10E Entity to cloak*58

10F True - Cloak on, False - cloak off

110 ReplenishWeapons*59

111 Replenish Weapons

112 WillsBlag*5a

113 Blag blag blag blag blag

114 ShowHudIcon*5b

115 Icon

116 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - flash

117 Show Hud Icon

118 DisableListing*5c

119 true - stop listing, false - enable listing

11A Disable Listing

11B DisableObjectAtNextJump*5d

11C true - disable, false - enable

11D Disables/enables object (e.g. planet) when the next jump/warp is made

11E DarrensNaughtyBlag*5e

11F Darrens Naughty Blag

120 Test_AI_Function*5f

121 Testttt Param 1

122 Testttt Param 2

123 Test AI Function