Definitions & Explanations

1. Editing tips and tools.

- Mission file types are ".dte" where placed in the "../Starlancer/Missions" folder.

- Original PC version Starlancer have totally 44 mission files in Resource.hog file. You can unpack mission files from the "../Starlancer/Resource.hog" file via SLEdit 2.0 program.

- I'm using HxE editor.

- The game first reads the mission file from the '../Starlancer/Missions' folder. If it can't find the mission file there, it then reads it from the "Resource.hog" file. So, we don't need to import the mission file into the Resource.hog file after editing it.

- You can use 'DGVOODOO2' for graphic fixes and to enable windowed mode.

2. Mission File List in the "Resources.hog"

-Campaign Missions:

Mission 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,23,24,25-251,26,27,28

-Instant Action Mission:

Mission 29

-Training Missions:

Mission 30,31,32,33,34,35

-Multiplayer Missions:

Mission 81,82,83,84,85,87

-Test or Unknown Missions:

Mission 88,99,191,271,311,801

3. The Mission File Structure

(All informations taken from the mission1.dte file)

-Every mission file has same structure.

- In this picture, the ones marked in red are pointing data start offset addresses, and the ones marked in green are pointing the size of the data.

- But for the true value, we need to convert these values in reverse, like this ex: "8023>2380" and "000400>000400" (This means there is 2380 size of data after offset 400)

- Second one example: Start offset "FF 03 01>01 03 FF" and data size is "8Ef1>F18E"

(Btw: The data size vales are changes some times. Sometimes they refers an object number or function number or data size of that offset)

Rest of offset and data size list:

Offset - Size

00 04 00 - 80 23 00

01 03 FF - 8E F1 00

03 03 F7 - 11 00 00

03 0F F7 - 76 00 00

03 A7 F7 - 17 00 00

03 BB F7 - 29 00 00

04 7B F7 - C0 0E 00

05 7B F7 - AC 00 00

05 97 F7 - 20 00 00

05 B3 F7 - 00 00 00

05 C3 F7 - 80 1D 00

06 C3 F3 - 01 00 00

06 C3 F7 - 0B 00 00

06 C9 F7 - 6F 00 00

06 ED F7 - 00 00 00

06 EF F7 - 00 00 00

07 0F F7 - 03 00 00

07 53 F7 - 00 00 00

07 6F F7 - 00 00 00

08 6F F7 - 00 00 00

08 7B F7 - 00 00 00

08 F3 F7 - 00 00 00

08 F3 F7 - B8 11 00

0A F3 EF - 00 02 00

0A F7 EF - 5F 00 00

0A F9 EF - 00 00 00

0A FB EF - 00 00 00

0C FB E7 - 00 00 00

- Each mission file has a defined total number of objects for the mission. In the table at the top, the object count is defined at the '03 0F F7' address. The total number of objects in mission 1 is 76 (hex). When converted from hex to decimal, 76(hex)=118 (decimal).

So total objectives(ships, navpoints etc.) in mission 1 is 118.

When we copy the data from the offset between 30FF7 and 332FE into any text editor (I am using Notepad+), and separate it by each loop, it looks like this;

- We have 118 line(118 object number)

In this image;

Blue lines are coordinates,

Green lines are flight group numbers,

Red lines are pilot types,

Orange lines are ship numbers(hex format),

Brown lines are where is launch from(0C refers to reliant),

Yellow lines are the gate numbers of launched ship.

I couldn't figure out yet the other parts...

- Everytime first line is us(player).

Second,third,4h,5th and 6th lines are our 45th 5 wing mans.

6th line is viper. 07 hex number refers viper. Our flight group number is 00.

In 7th line 0C refers reliant. It's flight group number is 01.

E7 03: Refers to jump point coordinates.

E5 03: Refers to jump point coordinates.

E4 03: Refers to jump point coordinates.

E3 03: Refers to jump point coordinates.

- The most importing part of the mission files is start offset 47bf7. Every event in mission defined in this part(launchs, jumps, ai patterns etc.)

We have to know this hex numbers;

2C>Refers Just 1 Objects where defined at "30ff7" 

    Example 2C 00> Player

2D>Refers Flight groups where define at "30ff7"

    Example 2D 00> Flight Group 1

32>AI CODES(You can find ai codes at AI CODES )

Example: 2C 00 32 14> Player(2c00) Jump out(3214)

21>EXECUTORIAI CODES(You can find executoriai codes at EXECUTORIAI CODES )

Example: 28 00 21 05>00 defined seconds wait(2800) Number of Seconds to wait(2105)

Example2: 2D 00 21 03 <CreateFlightGroup 00